how i keep sessions interesting or at least try!


things have been busy around here…mini vacation to vegas, spring break + a house full of kids and photo sessions!  all good things and i can’t complain, but it does cause me to get behind here! but things are back to normal today!

when i first started taking on clients, everything was fresh + new.  new faces, new locations, new poses, etc.

well now as time goes by, i don’t want to do the same thing over +  over.  it gets old quick.  and if you want your clients to become repeat clients, you need to switch it up!  yea being in front of the same backdrop is cool, but more than a couple times and it gets a bit repetitive!

so here are a few things i do to keep it fresh…

1) drive around.  yes, this may seem odd, but i seriously buckle up my youngest, throw in yo gabba gabba and drive around.  i look for new areas, interesting backdrops, cool colors, etc.  i would recommend going to the city or urban areas where you can find so many different areas that are unique.  finding 1 cool wall that i can put a family in front of, is success to me!

2) test it out!  when i find something new, i photograph it.  if i have kids with me, i use them.  this helps to really see if this is something that is going to work or not!  i would hate to think i have an ideal spot, but no experience using it.

3) do your research!  i do a little research on all my clients prior to the session to find out more about them and what they like and their personalities.  this saves me a bit of time come the session and i feel that i already know them a little bit already!

4) i always come with ideas for the shoot, but i really try to keep it super relaxed.  i am not into posing, but i will guide my clients into poses.  doing this makes it seem more candid and natural, which is what i always strive for!

5) try new things!  i am ALWAYS trying new things.  sometimes it works great, and sometimes its just not happening!  either way, be willing to go outside your comfort zone a bit.  you will be amazed to find things you thought would never work, turn out awesome!  and if it doesn’t, delete + move on!

when i saw this wall of mirrors, i thought i would try this…now it may not be hung on a wall, but it is new, fun and a fresh perspective!  and seeing a baby discover himself is always cute!


happy tuesday!


just sayin'