so brave.


2014-05-14_0001 2014-05-14_0002 2014-05-14_0003

woke up early this morning to get this little guy to surgery (easton had trigger thumb which basically means his right thumb couldn’t bend and function normally).  he was calm and saying ‘fix thumb’.  he patiently waited with his brand new friend snoopy and before you know it, was wheeled to the surgery room.  surgery was about an hour (which felt like 10).  i wasn’t prepared for the confusion and tears once back, (he kept saying ‘go home’ and ‘get off’ about the bandaging) but he did awesome.  we headed home to snuggle and nap.  after waking, he was back to his old self with his baseball helmet on and begging to go back outside.

thank goodness that is over with.


easton mike / iphoneography / just sayin' / milestones